b1 inhibition overcomes L resistance in ER, HER2 amplified BT474 cells We next tested b1s role in resistance by blocking its activity using either the inhibitory antibody AIIB2, which binds the extracellular portion of the b1 integrin to inhibit signaling, selleck chemical Volasertib or b1 specific siRNA in laminin rich extracellular matrix 3D culture. We used 3D culture because Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries of its ability to recapitulate b1s in vivo function, which is to mediate the communication between extracellular signals and intracellular kinases. To first validate our resistant models in 3D culture, BT474 parental and LRes cells were propagated on lrECM and assayed for growth. As expected, parental cells displayed robust growth characteristic of tumori genic cells in 3D, but they were profoundly growth inhibited by treatment with lapatinib.
LRes cells, on the other hand, grew aggressively in Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries its presence. We then subjected parental and LRes cells to AIIB2 treatment and found it to be highly effective in inhibit ing colony growth in LRes cells, while only modestly and nonsignificantly affecting parental cells. Exami nation of an additional cell line, AU565 LRes, produced similar results. To investigate the nature of the growth inhibition by AIIB2, we assessed the proliferative and apopto tic indices of parental and LRes BT474 cells. AIIB2 inhibited proliferation only modestly and nonsignificantly in parental cells, whereas prolifera tion was significantly inhibited Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries in LRes cells. The degree of inhibition was significantly greater in LRes cells compared to parental cells.
In contrast, both Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries parental and LRes cells under went increased apoptosis with AIIB2 treatment, but the degree of increase was not significantly different between the cell lines. Collectively these data suggest that AIIB2 elicits its differential growth inhibi tory effects on LRes BT474 cells primarily by inhibiting proliferation. b1 downstream signaling is inhibited by AIIB2 and is critical for the lapatinib resistant phenotype We then determined how b1 inhibition by AIIB2 could alter downstream signaling in LRes BT474 3D cultures. Confirming data from Figure 1, we found that in comparison to the parental, LRes cells Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries exhibited dramatically less pHER2 at two independent phosphory lation sites, while exhibiting dramatic increases in both pFAK and pSrc. The upregulation of pFAK and pSrc in LRes cells was abrogated by treat ment with AIIB2. The top band of the b1 doublet, which we believe represents posttranslational modifica tion, was also reduced by AIIB2. Levels of pMAPK and pAKT, which reside downstream of both b1 integrin and HER selleck chemical Rucaparib receptor signaling, were also altered. pMAPK expression was decreased in the LRes line and, importantly, further diminished with AIIB2 treat ment. pAKT expression showed a similar trend.