It is our strong belief that the results of this study provide valuable information to strengthen HIV/AIDS continuum of care. Methods Study area Dilla University referral Hospital is found in Dilla City administration which is located 360 kilometer far away from the capital city, Addis Ababa, in the south of Ethiopia. It is the public hospital which is an affiliate of Dilla University providing inhibitor supplier training for health sciences student in a range of disciplines. Additionally, the hospital provides higher level of clinical care for nearly a million of catchment area populations. Since 2005, the Hospital has been providing highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) for PLWHAs. During the study period (April, 2011 to March 2012), about a total of 3312 subjects had been enrolled in chronic HIV/AIDS care and 1585 patients were on HAART.
According to the national guideline, ART shall be initiated for eligible patient. The eligibility of the patients is determined either if their CD4 cell count is<200/mm3 or if they fulfill WHO clinical AIDS stage III or IV. Study design Cross-sectional study design was conducted including 520 PLWHAs who were 18 years or above. The sources population was a group PLWHAs who had been enrolled in Dilla University Referral Hospital in HAART. The study subjects were drawn by systematic sampling technique from ART registration data base from April 2011 to March 2012. Data collection procedure and instrument Socio-demographic details such as age, gender, residence, employment status, level of education, marital status were collected using interview administered questionnaire.
Similar instrument was used for the collection of gastrointestinal symptoms�� data and side effect of ARVs in the past six months from each patient. Poverty status was assessed by index of socio economic status which was measured by summation of items of possession. In this study, it was measured by giving a score of ��1�� for possessing each of 22 items in the list [17]. The summed items were then classified into three categories. Respondents having item scores below a tertiles were categorized as study subjects in ��absolute poverty��, respondents having item scores between the lower and upper tertiles as ��relatively moderate��, and respondents having item scores above the upper tertiles as being ��relatively better off�� [18].
The height and weight of the patients were measured in light clothing and bare foots calibrated to 0.5cm and 0.5 kg, respectively. Height was measured while the patients were standing erect in a Frankfurt position and the weight was measured on a standing Dacomitinib scale. Body mass index (BMI), was calculated as weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters (kg/m2). For the initial analysis, BMI was stratified into the WHO criteria: <17 (moderate to severe malnutrition), 17 to<18.5 (mild malnutrition), >18.