21 Mechanisms of action of such herbicides are the denovo fatty a

21 Mechanisms of action of such herbicides are the denovo fatty acid biosynthesis pathway. 22 and 23 small molecule library screening Inhibition blocks the synthesis of phospholipids which is essential building block for cell membrane for growth. 24 Shutting down either activity of two catalytic activities, BC and CT should be sufficient to inhibit the overall reaction of the enzyme ACC by herbicides.

Disturbance in the polymerization process, absence of means of synthesizing malonyl-CoA, inhibition by mimicking palmitoyl-CoA, inhibition by bisubstrate analog, structural components of herbicides CoA esters are well studied alternatives for drug targeting using ACC. 25 and 26 Molecular docking studies has been carried for the above mentioned compounds using Molegro Virtual Docker[ Table 3]. Binding sites were identified at positions

95Gly, Asp78, Arg41 etc 27 further found surrounding first cavity in Molegro Virtual Docker. Flexible molecular docking results are found to be considerable when above stated compounds from three classes were docked in the active site of modeled 3D structure of Acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) from J. curcas. Docking scores are produced in  Table 3 which clearly indicates appreciable inhibitory activity profile of compounds screened. Compounds are arranged in descending order of their docking rerank scores belonging to each class. Comparison of candidates in terms of better binding ability shows that Pinoxaden (Phenylpyrazole class) could interact with ACC most effectively (rerank = −81.436 and RMSD = 0.31) check details to inhibit it. Other three members of the same group also indicate better binding affinities towards ACC inhibition as compared to other two classes and their compounds. Quizalofop (Aryloxyphenoxypropionates class) found intermediate position in terms of rerank = −77.4055 crotamiton and RMSD = 1.713. Sethoxydim (Cyclohexanediones class) was found to have least inhibiting effect on ACC as compared to other two classes and their compounds with

rerank = −71.917 and RMSD = 0.424. Docking scores are mathematical calculations to quantify force-fields between binding site of receptors and interacting ligands. For qualitative discussion, we should identify participation of atoms and groups of ligand with those complimenting atoms and groups of receptor amino acids. In order to map qualitative aspects of molecular docking studies, we have noted various types of atomic and molecular interactions which are reproduced in Fig. 5, Fig. 6 and Fig. 7. Blue dotted lines depict H-bond while maroon dotted lines quote steric interactions. Electrostatic interactions are found absent in current docking studies. Functional characterization of a protein sequence is a frequent problem in biological world. Today’s scenario is focused in identification and exploration of functional knowledge of bio-molecule like protein.

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