The FENOC study documented individual variation in response to aPCC vs. rFVIIa for treatment of joint bleeding [39]. A similar variation in response is likely true for prophylaxis and thus until we have better laboratory measures of haemostasis, personalized dosing regimens are needed. aPCC contain FIX and thus rFVIIa is preferred as prophylaxis in those
haemophilia B patients with inhibitors. As aPCCs also contain some FVIII, they are generally not recommended in the pre-ITI setting when awaiting a decline in the factor VIII inhibitor titre [40]. New products under development may result in more effective therapy for treatment of patients with inhibitors. These include longer acting and novel bypassing agents. If we can achieve improved haemostasis in patients with haemophilia and inhibitors with these agents, they will be excellent candidates for studies in prophylaxis applications. The widespread C59 wnt availability of prophylactic clotting factor has made many sports possible for persons with haemophilia (PWH) living in developed countries. Prior to this, the perceived risks associated with most sports, particularly those with the potential for contact or collision, were thought to be unacceptable. Early studies in PWH report
impairments in aerobic fitness and strength, consistent with previous advice restricting sports participation [41-46]. Most studies also reported a trend towards overweight and obesity see more in children with haemophilia [46, 47]. More recent studies, however, in settings where prophylaxis is widespread, have demonstrated comparable fitness and strength in children with haemophilia compared with their healthy peers [48, 49]. Similarly, high levels of physical activity and sports participation have recently been reported in studies performed in countries with widespread availability of prophylactic clotting factor [50, 51]. Carbohydrate The benefits of physical activity have been well described in children [52]. In addition to the short-term
benefits, there is now substantial evidence for physical activity in extending life expectancy and reducing the risk of a number of chronic illnesses [53-56]. Regular physical activity has also been shown to improve well-being in children and young people [57]. These benefits may be even more important in PWH to address reported impairments in aerobic fitness, strength, and bone mineral density [41, 42, 44, 58, 59]. Physical activity and sport may also have a role in maintenance of joint health in PWH through improving muscle strength and proprioception, although the evidence for this is currently lacking. The benefits of sport and physical activity in children with haemophilia need to be balanced against the risk of bleeding episodes and the potential for detrimental effects on joint health.