As a result, some of the reference numbers in the Discussion
Mcl-1 apoptosis section do not match the numbered references in the reference list at the end of the article. The references affected in the text are listed below: ‘Kienle et al13 15 reviewed…’ should be ‘Kienle et al16 17 reviewed…’ (Kienle et al, 2006; Kienle et al, 2011). ‘Hamre et al13 found…’ should be ‘Hamre et al18 found…’ ‘…patients treated in CAM practices suffer more often from severe and chronic illnesses.14 16’ should be ‘.. patients treated in CAM and in CON medicine in primary care settings find that patients treated in CAM practices suffer more often from severe and chronic illnesses.19 20’ ‘At the same time, these patients report fewer adverse side effects of treatments and higher patient satisfaction.14 16 17’ should read ‘At the same time, these patients report fewer adverse side effects of treatments and higher patient satisfaction.19–21’ (Esch et al, 2008; Marian et al, 2008; Koster et al, 2014). ‘Nissen et al,18 based on a review…’ should be ‘Nissen et al,22 based on a review…’ (Nissen et al, 2012). ‘Van Dulmen et al19 concluded…’ should be ‘Van Dulmen et al23 concluded…’ (Van Dulmen et al, 2010). ‘Ernst and Hung20 described…’ should be ‘Ernst and Hung24 described…’ (Ernst & Hung, 2011). ‘For example, Esch et al14 found…’ should be ‘For example, Esch et al19 found…’ (Esch
et al, 2008). ‘These results are consistent with other studies demonstrating high patient satisfaction with AM.15 12’ should be ‘These results are consistent with other studies demonstrating high patient satisfaction with AM.16 17’ (Kienle et al, 2006; Kienle et al, 2011). ‘…practices (8.4 on a scale: 0-10, 10 indicating the best possible score).17′ should be ‘…practices (8.4 on a scale: 0-10, 10 indicating the best possible score).21’ (Koster et al, 2014). ‘These results
are consistent with AM theory, which emphasises relationship and communication, as well as shared decision-making.12’ should be ‘These results are consistent with AM theory, which emphasises relationship and communication, as well as shared decision-making. 17’ (Kienle et al, 2011). ‘…(3) designing and executing highly controlled, comparative effectiveness research projects 21…’ should be ‘(3) designing and executing AV-951 highly controlled, comparative effectiveness research projects 25’ (Fisher et al, 2012). In the section ‘Previous publication’ the reference number cited should be 26 (not 22). (Kooreman & Baars, 2014). The correct reference list is below.
In the last few years the focus in the field of radiation therapy has been on how to improve tumor control by increasing total dose per fraction, while keeping the dose to organs at risk as low as possible.