branded PEG; 4. efficacy; 5. efficiency Presenting Author: MURDANI ABDULLAH Additional Authors: DADANG
MAKMUN, ACHMED FAUZI, AAN SANTI Corresponding Author: MURDANI ABDULLAH Affiliations: Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta Objectives: Digestive Endoscopy Center (PESC) was established in 2011 which located in ICU Building, 2nd Floor. Its concept was developed as Center of Excellence (CoE) with business plan created includes diagnostic and clinical services of international standard, specialized training of Gastroenterology, Lumacaftor training / gastrointestinal endoscopy courses, research in the field of gastrointestinal endoscopy-based basic and clinical, services and facilities based on safety and patient satisfaction, fast, accurate, quality and One Stop Services. In 2013 is the 2nd year in PESC business plan development and expected to increase in many aspects. So that, necessary Proteasome inhibitor measurement instruments to measure the performance of business plan in PESC using Balanced Scorecard. Methods: This studies was conducted from April-December 2013 with quantitative method and Cross Sectional studies on 76 subjects and also used secondary data from Endoscopy’s reports. The
balanced Scorecard contains 4 measurements, such as financial approach, customer approach, internal process approach, and learning and growth approach. Results: The financial approach resulted that income from 2 type of patients: cash and insurance patients was increased in 2013 than 2010. The customer approach resulted a high satisfaction rate with mean 4.69 of 5 for patient satisfaction and the employee satisfaction increased in 2013 than 2010 with mean in 2013 is 3,88 of 5 and in 2010 is 3,64 of 5. For internal process approach was measured using facilities and infrastructure discovered its increased too. Learning and growth approach resulted that accumulation of trainings, achievement of target of the trainings was increased. Conclusion: The Achievement of business plan has been evaluated
using balanced scored card and showed that there is a balanced on the financial approach, customer approach, internal process approach, and learning and growth approach. Key Word(s): 1. balanced scorecard; 2. business plan; 3. endoscopy center MCE公司 Presenting Author: MURDANI ABDULLAH Additional Authors: DADANG MAKMUN, ARI FAHRIAL SYAM, KAKA RENALDI, HASAN MAULAHELA, AMANDA PITARINI UTARI, CECEP SURYANI SOBUR, MARCELLUS SIMADIBRATA Corresponding Author: MURDANI ABDULLAH Affiliations: Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta Objectives: To compare patient’s experience who underwent colonoscopy between propofol sedated air-method and non-propofol sedated water-method.