distractor-absent). The interaction between distractor presence and electrode location was significant (F(1,11) = 6.789, p = 0.025), reflecting a reliable increase in target-elicited N2pc amplitude from Fig. 1a to b. No other effects were reliable (electrode location: F(1,11) = 4.327, p = 0.062; target location: F(1,11) = 2.686, p = 0.130; all other Fs < 1). A corresponding analysis based on peak amplitude garnered much the same pattern (electrode location: F(1,11) = 12.167, p = 0.004; distractor presence × electrode location: Talazoparib in vivo F(1,11) = 5.267, p = 0.042; all other Fs < 1). Note that here
and in subsequent analyses of peak amplitude computations are based on the amplitude of the ipsilateral and contralateral waveforms as observed at the maximum ipsilateral/contralateral difference in the 200 to 400 ms post-stimulus interval. To test whether this posterior amplitude increase/topographic shift was related to behavior, we correlated the change in target-elicited N2pc observed in trials where the colors repeated to the behavioral priming effect. We calculated an absolute measure of the increase in behavioral feature priming caused by the salient distractor priming for each subject in two steps. We first subtracted the no-swap RT from the swap RT for both distractor present and distractor absent conditions, and then further subtracted the value thus calculated for the distractor
absent condition from that for the distractor present condition. We measured the per-subject increase in N2pc amplitude from the no-swap, distractor-absent condition (Fig. 1a) to the no-swap, contralateral distractor condition (Fig. 1b) by subtracting Osimertinib datasheet the contralateral waveform from the ipsilateral waveform for each condition and subsequently subtracting the value thus calculated for the no-swap, distractor-absent condition from the value calculated for the no-swap, contralateral-distractor condition. As illustrated in Fig. 2, the early aspect of this increase in N2pc (as measured from 270 to 330 ms)
Erlotinib clinical trial correlated with the measure of increase in behavioral feature priming (Spearman’s ρ = 0.643; permutation test p = 0.028). 2 Because the target-elicited N2pc is not evident in the ERP illustrated in Fig. 1a, which was elicited in the no-swap, distractor absent condition at posterior electrode sites roughly equivalent to PO7 and PO8 of the 10/10 electrode placement system, Fig. 3a presents the ERP elicited in the same condition as recorded at slightly more anterior electrode locations.3 The magnitude, latency, and topography of this N2pc (Fig. 3a) are quite similar to the same measures observed when the colors swapped between conditions (Fig. 3b). In statistical analysis of these components, a 3-way RANOVA with factors for electrode location, target location, and intertrial condition (based on mean amplitude from 255 to 300 ms) revealed a significant main effect of electrode location (F(1,11) = 5.197, p = 0.