, Kyoto, Japan) using a Xe lamp with an excitation wavelength of

, Kyoto, Japan) using a Xe lamp with an excitation wavelength of 325 nm. The total transmittance and diffuse transmittance of the samples were measured using a double-beam spectrophotometer (PerkinElmer Lambda 950, Waltham, MA, USA) equipped with an integrating sphere. In the measurement, the light propagation path was air/find more quartz/AZO/air or air/quartz/AZO/NRAs/air,

and the reflection at the quartz/air interface was not removed. Results and discussion The top-view SEM images of samples S1 to S5 are shown in Figures 1a,b,c,d,e, respectively, and the insets check details are the high-magnification images of the corresponding samples. Figure 1f,g presents the cross-sectional SEM images of samples S2 and S5, respectively. The ZnO NR growth mechanism is the catalyst-free vapor-solid growth due to the absence of metal catalysts on NR tips [20]. Moreover, Figure 1f,g clearly indicates a ZnO Selleckchem I BET 762 buffer layer between NRAs and AZO film, which is used as a seed layer [21]. The density and average NR dimensions of samples S1 to S4 are tabulated in Table 1. Sample S1 has a relatively low NR density, and its NR lengths are between 200 and 300 nm. As the growth duration increases to 8 min, sample S3 has a NR density of 75 μm−2, an average NR diameter of 26 nm, and an average length of 500 nm, indicating that the density, length, and aspect ratio of NR increase with the increase of growth duration. The average NR diameter, however,

does not obviously change. Moreover, as shown in Figure 1d, the phenomenon of two or three NRs self-attracting in sample S4 with 9-min growth duration can be seen clearly. NRs in sample S5 are out of order because more NRs touch each other and the new NRs grow at NR self-attraction positions. The newly grown NRs are more disordered, and some NRs are almost parallel to the substrate as presented in Figure 1e. As a result, the density and length of the NRs on sample S5 are not calculated in Table 1. Figure 1 SEM images of ZnO NRs grown with different durations and AFM surface image Glutamate dehydrogenase of AZO film. (a to e) Top-view and (f,g) cross-sectional SEM images of ZnO NRs grown with different durations: (a) S1 – 3 min,

(b,f) S2 – 6 min, (c) S3 – 8 min, (d) S4 – 9 min, and (e,g) S5 – 12 min; insets are the high-magnification images of the corresponding samples. (h) AFM surface image of AZO film. Table 1 Density and average NR dimensions (diameter, length, and aspect ratio) of the samples Sample Density (per μm2) Average NR diameter 2r (nm) Average NR length L (nm) Aspect ratio L/r S1 40 ± 8 28 ± 7 250 ± 50 17.8 S2 61 ± 6 25 ± 6 420 ± 40 33.6 S3 75 ± 2 26 ± 4 500 ± 20 38.5 S4 82 ± 2 28 ± 4 550 ± 20 39.3 In previous research reports, it was found that the characteristic of ZnO NWs strongly depends on the crystallinity, type, and surface roughness of the growth substrate [20]. The crystallinity, surface roughness, and thickness of the ZnO seed layer also have an important influence on ZnO NR growth [21].

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