Potential explanations for this

difference include greate

Potential explanations for this

difference include greater efficacy of prostanoids in therapy of PAH pulmonary vascular disease, a direct effect of prostaglandins on the RV 15 and 16, or differences in treatment as a function of disease severity reflected in RVSWI or other unfavorable hemodynamic predictors. The strong influence we found of SV on change in RVSWI suggests that prostanoids might exert an inotropic effect on the RV, but this requires further study. Patients Ipilimumab datasheet in the lowest tertile at diagnosis had the greatest improvement in RVSWI after treatment, reflecting the well-described ability of the RV to recover function with removal of load stress 17 and 18. Although signs and symptoms of RV dysfunction at diagnosis are often recognized by treating physicians, quantification of low selleck RVSWI at

diagnosis might help clinicians identify patients at risk for poor outcomes and the greatest potential benefit from aggressive therapy. Pulmonary capacitance measures the ability of the pulmonary vasculature to receive blood during RV systole and then expel blood from the pulmonary tree during diastole. In the normal pulmonary circulation, resistance is nearly 0 (≤1 WU), and therefore elastic recoil is primarily responsible for capacitance. In contrast, in PAH, there is reduction in lumen size, dropout of vessels, and thickening of large arteries such that compliance is low, and PVR probably accounts for most of capacitance data. This is supported by our data showing that PVR has a strong inverse association with PC in our cohort. The prognostic value of PC, measured at RHC or echocardiography, in patients with IPAH is well-described

tuclazepam 8 and 19. However, the response of PC to PAH therapy has not previously been studied. The increase in PC after therapy in our study was driven by the presence of prostanoids in the treatment regimen (either alone or in combination with oral therapy). In patients with PAH, a decrease in PVR is thought to drive improvement in RV function by decreasing RV afterload; however, improvement or decline in RV function is often independent of the change in PVR after therapy (3). This is supported by our finding of no difference in change in PVR between patients with oral-only regimens and those treated with prostanoids; however, our study might have been underpowered to detect this difference, given that the p value was nearly significant (p = 0.07). Tedford et al. (20) recently showed that the influence of PVR on RV afterload is governed by the hyperbolic relationship between PVR and PC. The fixed relationship between PVR and PC and the flatness of the curve at elevated PVR means that patients with high baseline PVR require significant decreases in PVR (not often produced with current PAH therapy) to achieve a decrease in RV afterload.

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