Exploration of this issue with clinical educators suggests that there is a lack of consensus with respect to the
timing of recording patient therapist interactions during or after the encounter, and that agencies did not clearly communicate their expectations to students early in the placement. Further research on this item and how it is being interpreted and scored by educators is warranted. In the final field test no significant differential item functioning was demonstrated for the variables student age and experience, clinical educator age, gender, Selleck JAK inhibitor and experience as an educator, university, or field of practice. This indicates that APP item ratings were not systematically affected by any of these variables and supports nationwide use of this instrument across all clinical areas, facilities and universities. One of the primary advantages of Rasch analysis is that raw ordinal scores may be converted to interval level Rasch scores. Given the almost perfect linear relationship between Rasch logit scores and raw scores shown in Figure 4, the complexity associated with converting the raw score Ion Channel Ligand Library molecular weight to a Rasch score does not appear warranted. The APP was developed collaboratively, tested within the constraints of a dynamic and unpredictable clinical environment, and has been taken up almost universally as the assessment instrument in entry-level physiotherapy programs in Australia
and New Zealand. The advantages of a single, national instrument are the reduction of assessment burden on clinical educators dealing with students from multiple university programs, and the standardardisation of student assessment for entry-level practice ensuring that students are assessed against the same performance indicators, on the same rating scale, against explicit standards for entry-level practice. The evidence of construct validity provided by Rasch analysis supports the interpretation that a student’s score on the APP is an indication of their
underlying level of professional competence as demonstrated during workplace-based tuclazepam placements. The reliability of judgements made with the APP will be published separately. Ethics: Approval for the study was provided by the Human Ethics Committees of the nine participating universities. All participants gave written informed consent before data collection began. Support: Funding from the Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC) enabled employment of a research assistant and travel to conduct focus groups and training workshops. Thanks go to the clinical educators and students who participated, to the University Clinical Education MAnagers of Australia and New Zealand, and to the Council of Physiotherapy Deans, Australia and New Zealand, who championed the development of a national assessment instrument. “
“Wrist sprains are common.