Time/Density curve (c) shows a typical contrast enhancement pattern in residual tumour area with fast and early wash-in, a plateau trend and a slow, progressive and uniform wash-out (curve 3). Color maps superimposed
on I-BET151 molecular weight gray-scale images (d, Blood Volume, BV; e, Blood Flow, BF) of right kidney show high colour encoding in corresponding residual tumour area: (d) BV (mean, 140,68 ± 24,48 mL/100 g wet tissue/min), (e) BF (mean, 562,72 ± 97,96 mL/100 g wet tissue). Table 1 Quantitative parameters of contrast enhancement kinetic between responsive cryoablated area and local tissue recurrence. Parameters Tumor recurrence* [normal omolateral cortex] Cryoablated area* [normal omolateral cortex] Time of arrival, TA (s) 14,3 15,96 ± 1,29 [13, 8] [14,85 ± 0,65] Time to peak, TTP (s) 38,3 59,13 ± 2,87 [39] Wash-in rate (1/s) 11,52 0,66 SB202190 purchase ± 0,41 [9, 41] [7,04 ± 1,35] Peak contrast enhancement (HU) 300,3 60,91 ± 14,85 [374,18] [281,77 ± 37,6] *Values are expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD). Table 2 Perfusion parameters in recurrent tumor and successfully cryoablated area compared to normal ipsilateral renal Selleckchem AZD3965 cortex value (in square brackets). Parameters
Recurrent tumor [normal omolateral cortex]* Cryoablated area [normal omolateral cortex]* Blood Volume (BV; mL/100 g wet tissue) 140,68 ± 24,48 5,39 ± 1,28 [116,14 ± 14,27] [117,86 ± 12,53] for Blood Flow (BF; mL/100 g
wet tissue/min) 562,72 ± 97,96 69,92 ± 20,12 [393,8 ± 59,01] [392,28 ± 117,32] Permeability- Surface Area Product (PS; mL/100 g wet tissue/min) 73,52 ± 28,1 16,66 ± 5,67 [41,88 ± 19,89] [81,68 ± 22,75] Mean Transit Time (MTT; sec) 15 ± 0,1 25,35 ± 4,3 [17,69 ± 0,4] [18,02 ± 3,6] *Values are expressed as mean ± standard deviation (SD). Ablation responders (n = 13) showed a peak contrast enhancement (PCE; HU) in cryoablated area after medium contrast administration with a mean-value of 60,91 ± 14,85 [vs. 281,77 ± 37,6 in ipsilateral normal renal cortex]. In the same group the evaluation of kinetic parameters [vs. ipsilateral renal cortex] showed a time of arrival (TA; sec) of 15,96 ± 1,2 [14,85 ± 0,65], a time to peak (TTP; sec) of 59,13 ± 2,87 [49,4 ± 4,4], a wash-in-rate (WIR; 1/s) of 0,66 ± 0,41 [7,04 ± 1,35] (Table 1). Furthermore in the same cases, a variable trend of reduction in BF, BV, and PS values and increase in MTT values were observed in tumor ablated area compared to normal renal cortex (Table 2). In particular the BV, BF and PS mean values sampled in the cryoablated area were lower than in normal renal cortex (respectively: 5,39 ± 1,28 mL/100 g vs 117,86 ± 12,53 mL/100 g; 69,92 ± 20,12 mL/100 g/min vs 392,28 ± 117,32 mL/100 g/min; 16,66 ± 5,67 mL/100 g/min vs 81,68 ± 22,75 mL/100 g/min).